Real. World. Learning.


Good vibes and powerful life lessons in doing what you love.


At Ardmore Music Hall students got a taste for what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

As we quickly set up the table and lined up our products, we reviewed and practiced our elevator speeches. Most importantly, positioned by the entrance, we placed the samples right in front and simply welcomed guest.

“Good morning.”
“Would you like a cookie?”
“Sure. What are you guys selling?

It was on.

“We’re in a program called the Global Classroom Project…”
“What’s that?”

Fast forward four hours. When asked, “What was your take away today?”, Jordan replied, “It helped selling when we told people the story of the Global Classroom Project.”

Yes, for the entrepreneurs out there, tell your story. Link it to your larger purpose in life. People will listen. Because people care.

People will support you because they want you to be successful at helping others.


Your community will lift you, as you lift the community. It takes a village and, you are a crucial part of that village. Lift and be lifted.

Real. World. Learning. Happens in the real world. Get out there.

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